“Summertime, and the livin' is easy.”

The slower pace of summer and the ease of schedules is what I look forward to most when school is out, daylight is longer, and the fireflies appear in my back yard. With the ease of summer upon us, the energy and activity at St. Luke’s is vibrant. New visitors arrive each Sunday and vacations are in full swing.

Your Vestry has also been in full swing, tasked with the work of the church and supporting the phenomenal clergy and staff of St. Luke’s. Here is a quick rundown of what happening at St. Luke’s:

  • Nick reports a 50% increase in attendance with 150 people attending weekly!

  • VBS is back in action thanks to Education Coordinator Courtney Jukuri and all of the volunteers!

  • Flat Pastors are on the move! The Outreach Committee’s creative fundraiser has Father Nick, Father Celal and Vanilla Bean traveling the world. Thanks to everyone who is supporting!

  • Endowment Committee has been re-established. A big thanks to Paul Johnson for recruiting the great team of Bob McPeek, Amanda Wallingford, Joe Manous, Drew Hutcheson, and John Moorman. The re-establishment of this group has been a goal of the Finance Committee and Vestry this year.

  • St. Luke’s Day School is getting a new playground. With the positive synergy between Vestry and the Day School Leadership, changes are coming this Fall to the playground at St. Luke’s.

St. Luke’s Nominating Committee will be reaching out to potential Vestry members. If you have any interest in being a future Vestry member or want more information, please reach out to Paul Johnson, Richard McFarland, Matt Harding, Father Nick, or me!

Save the Date for Kick Off Sunday on Sept 10th. This is where we kick off the church year, visit Youth Education teachers and classrooms, and learn more about the various volunteer and ministry opportunities. More details and lunch sign up to come!

Enjoy the rest of your Summer!


Amy Moorman