Blessings to you this Christmas Season!

2023 began with a newly installed Rector who breathed life and activity back into St. Luke’s after a couple of years of wondering if we could get back to normal.  We have seen attendance rise, our Sunday school classrooms are bursting with children eager to learn, we continued to maintain the on-line streaming of the 10:00 a.m. service on Sundays and added a Healing Service on Wednesdays at noon. 

Thanks to Father Nick for his energy and out of the box thinking to attract new families, feed all parishioners with spiritual knowledge (and burgers and fried fish!) as well as creating a special place for all to find a church community. St. Luke’s is filled with beautiful music and singing, thanks to our Organist and Choir Master Kate Weber-Petrova!  And more special thanks to additional St. Luke’s staff who make the church run on a daily basis:  Parish Administrator and Bookkeeper Sue Bentley, Sexton and Facility Manager Cecil Allen, Nave Sexton Andrew Manous, Nursery Attendants Mary Grace McPeek and Kristen Manous, Christian Education Minister Courtney Jukuri, and Director of Communications Stephanie Kaye.  A special note of appreciation goes to St. Luke’s Day School Director Gen Difillipo and the Day School staff.  And we can’t forget the Day School Chaplain Vanilla Bean who greets children in the Day School each morning.

A special thank you to all Vestry members for their governance and work throughout this busy year.  I would like to especially thank my fellow 2021-2023 class members for their steadfast service as we approach a changing of the guard in early February 2024:  Matt Harding who has liaised with both the Outreach and Worship committees; Rector Search Committee member and 2-year Sr. Warden Richard McFarland; and Rector Search Committee Chair and Finance Committee Chair Paul Johnson.  And to our Junior Warden Mary Frances Daly and my partner in crime this year, it has been a blast!  She will move on to serve on your behalf as Senior Warden in the coming year.

The annual BBQ, the Pumpkin Patch, Craft Fair, parish retreat to Shrine Mont, and Senior Saints luncheon were in full force this year.  Nick added a Lenten program with a featured burger dinner each Wednesday.  And a special shout out to Courtney Jukuri who was instrumental in bringing back St. Luke’s Vacation Bible School this past summer. A Harvest Feast turned Fish Fry kicked off the pledging season and Stewardship Campaign. Thank you everyone who committed their time, talent, and treasure to organize and execute these events on our behalf.

The congregation once again generously responded to the call for pledges in our Stewardship Campaign that will fund the 2024 operating budget.  The net result of all this good news is that we welcomed new pledging members, and more than half of all existing members increased their pledge.  2023 has been a year of engaging and involving more members and their families to participate in St. Luke’s ministries beyond Sunday morning.  Nick’s innovative ideas have helped us Grow, Connect and Thrive as we move forward together with a continuous focus on people and programs.  St. Luke’s is strong, healthy, and the future is bright.

Merry Christmas,

Amy Moorman

Senior Warden