April 23

Thank you for the very strong turn-out for the April 18 congregation meeting. The call to encumber church property for the purpose of securing a construction loan was unanimously approved!. Thank you to Don Hazen and Alan Hope for their presentations. We now have both Diocesan and Congregational approval to proceed with financing. I met with Nick, Christine Kelly, Alan Hope, John Young, and Don Hazen on Monday, April 19, to determine the path forward and map out our next steps to get us to construction start in mid-June. There are several moving parts that we are working to sync-up to keep the project on schedule. The Vestry is engaged and taking proactive steps in order to turn on our construction contractor as soon as our loan is approved by the bank. Please keep us in your prayers as we work to execute the plan for this complex project.

Richard McFarland

Senior Warden

April 16

A reminder to all adult communicants in good standing. The virtual Zoom congregational meeting is this Sunday, April 18, 11:5 AM. We will review plans for two major capital projects, renovation of the parish hall and lighting for our parking lot. The Treasurer will then provide an overview of the financing plan. At that point we will have a congregational vote on encumbering church property for the construction loan. This is in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Virginia and as approved by the Standing Committee and Bishop. You must pre-register to attend this virtual Zoom meeting.

Pumpkins are coming! Thank you to Melissa Brunton and Cathy McPeek for organizing a team that will put us back in the pumpkin business. Please plan to support this community event.

Following are highlights of the April 13 Vestry meeting:- Reviewed and approved the St. Luke's Day School budget.
- Authorized extension of Chip Russell's letter of agreement through August.

- Reviewed the Treasurer's Report. Our year-to-date income is exceeding expenses.

- Elected Bob McPeek as Trustee to serve with Drew Hutcheson and Sue Reynolds. Many thanks to Drew for drafting the documentation and submitting to Fairfax Circuit Court.

- Elected Rob Lamb as delegate to Convention of the Diocese of Virginia.

- Reviewed and approved the annual Parochial Report for submission.

- Reviewed and approved fund raiser applications for the Pumpkin Patch, Craft Fair, and Saint Luke's Day School Silent Auction.

- Received a report from the Junior Warden on our heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system.

Richard McFarland, Senior Warden

April 9

I want to remind you of the Zoom congregation meeting to be held 18 April beginning at 11:15 a.m. There will be a brief presentation on our parish hall renovation and exterior parking light projects followed by a congregation vote on the proposed construction loan. The vote is required by Diocese of Virginia Canons in order to use church property as collateral for the loan. Please see the church e-mail of 5 April, Call for Congregational Meeting, and register to attend.

Pumpkin Patch news. A team of adult leaders has come together in support of the 2021 Pumpkin Patch. The team consists of patch veterans and newer members who will oversee and coordinate the effort. Please stay tuned and spread the word to the community...St. Luke's Pumpkin Patch will be back in October!

Richard McFarland

Senior Warden

March 26

We are getting ready to start parish hall renovation this summer. The Diocese of Virginia sent a letter dated March 18 that provided approval from the Bishop and Standing Committee for St. Luke's to secure construction financing...good news! This is one of two required approvals. The second approval involves the congregation as we intend to use Church property as collateral. Canon 15, Section 2 states that the congregation must consent as we are encumbering real property of the Church and directs a congregation meeting be called. In consultation with Nick, I am calling that meeting 11:15 a.m. on Sunday April 18. I have asked the co-chairs of the Building for Ministry team, Treasurer, and clergy to be present to respond to any questions on the projects prior to a call for vote on the loan. This will be similar to voting as we did in our Zoom annual meeting held in February. It is very important that parishioners mark their calendar and plan to attend. Please watch for further communication on the meeting.

Also on the parish hall renovation. Don Hazen reported receipt of lab results on the asbestos study...no issues. More good news!

Our Junior Warden, Christine Kelly, in coordination with Tom Stallman, reports the new chiller system installation is about 90% complete pending start up testing and control integration with the overall HVAC system controls...even more good news!

Now one potential downer. I've received no response on my call for someone, or team of persons, to be responsible for the 2021 Pumpkin Patch. Our supplier is extremely anxious to know if we are going to have a patch this year. At some point the decision will be made for us if we don't soon make a commitment. Anyone feeling up to it, what do you say?

Thank you.

Richard McFarland

Senior Warden

March 19

This week I have several things I want to highlight and bring to your attention. First, we are nearing the construction phase of Building for Ministry which includes renovation of our parish hall and installation of exterior lighting in our parking areas. Last week I provided a video update on the projects and I encourage you, if you haven't done so already, to view my message by clicking here.

We are moving ahead with the regathering plan in anticipation of the day when we may begin to meet inside our building. Amy Moorman is serving as Vestry point person for submission of our plan to the Diocese for approval. We hope to have this plan blessed by the Diocese so that when COVID numbers permit we may once again gather safely inside.

Several major calendar events are worth noting. We decided to cancel the annual Catesby Jones-Saint Luke's BBQ that we would normally hold the 1st Saturday in May. Chris Pegher and I concluded it just wasn't feasible given the manpower requirements. However, we will consider a scaled down BBQ later in the year if the situation permits. We are planning to hold the parish retreat 1-3 October in Shrine Mont. Lisa and Richard Maple are coordinating this family event. The Pumpkin Patch remains up in the air. This is the major fundraiser for the Youth Pilgrimage. Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser, Inc. is requesting a commitment so that they can plan for the upcoming growing season. In order to proceed we need someone with strong organizational and planning skills to serve as lead. Ideally the lead would be a parent of children participating in our youth programs. Please let me know if you are willing to take this on.

March 12

Building for Ministry Update to the Congregation

Good day, I’m Richard McFarland, Senior Warden of Saint Luke’s Vestry. I’m reaching out to you to provide an important update on two capital projects that comprise Building for Ministry. They are renovation of our Parish Hall and installation of Exterior Lighting in our parking areas. Before I begin, I want to recognize the team that put their time, energy, and passion into developing plans that meet the will of the congregation. Thank you goes to co-chairs Don Hazen and John Young for their leadership. The team worked to plan, develop, and implement these two significant projects on behalf of Saint Luke’s and our church community. Their efforts have been many years in the making and the projects are nearing the construction phase.

On March 6th Don Hazen provided a presentation to the Vestry detailing an approach for success for project realization. I want to provide you, the congregation, a top-level overview of where we are and how the Vestry plans to proceed.

Please click here to read the full text of Richard's update, or watch this video.

February 12

During the February 9, 2021 Vestry meeting the following was discussed and/or acted upon as required.

1. Received nomination and elected Richard McFarland as Senior Warden. Christine Kelly agreed to continue to serve as Junior Warden.

2. Reviewed position of Registrar and Regional Representative. No change at this time.

3. Approved revision of 2021 Operating Budget incorporating a new pledge and extending Letter of Agreement for Chip Russell through April 2021.

4. Approved "parsonage allowance" for Nick Hull as a component of his total compensation. This was an administrative action with no impact to the operating budget.

5. Administered Diocese of Virginia "Qualifying Statement" per Canon to new Vestry members.

6. Received comments and feedback from Nick based on his time with us to date.

7. Reviewed various administrative actions to ensure clear and open lines of communication.

8. Nick discussed plans for Ash Wednesday and Lenten Season.

8. Announced Vestry Retreat, virtual, scheduled for March 6, 2021. Topics to be determined.

As newly elected Senior Warden it is my aim to work with the Vestry hand-in-hand with our Clergy to best meet the needs of our congregation within our community. Nick landed with us during a time of uncertainty. He is off to a great start as we begin to peek beyond the challenges of the last twelve months. I look forward with excitement to seeing where he can take us.

I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to George Omohundro for his steady and patient leadership as Senior Warden. He expertly guided us through some tough times. In addition, Christine Kelly played a critical role in preparation for the next phase of the Building for Ministry capital campaign. I look forward to working with her as our Junior Warden and fully expect to continue to utilize her skills and knowledge to help deliver on key infrastructure projects identified in the campaign.

If you tuned into last week's Annual Meeting you already know it was a success...we didn't skip a beat. Special thanks to Susan Bentley for pulling together and publishing the Annual Report. I know this was a tough and time consuming job given the complexities of our virtual communications. And to Chip Russell, wow! I didn't know voting could be so easy. Thank you Chip for giving us a reliable virtual platform to conduct our required business.

Please reach out to me or other members of the Vestry if you have something you wish to discuss pertinent to Saint Luke's.


Richard McFarland

Senior Warden